Friday 2 December 2011

So I'm not dead I just haven't blogged in a while

Asalamu alaikum
Sorry for not really blogging much I’ve been so busy and a rubbish blogger, seriously who would have thought going to university was going to be so hard ☹ the only thing getting me through this degree is it will all be worth it in the end ☺ my life seems to be consumed by this horrible thing called a dissertation and feel like if I don’t get this done I will not graduate yes I know what you’re all thinking get of here then girlfriend (clicks fingers does funny hand movement in the style of cat in the hat) I just feel that is the perfect way to vent all my queries worries and dissatisfaction okay that sounded suicidal and I’m not at that stage yet Alhamdulillah, hmm well I do have ambitions after this degree as lame as they sound here goes no rolling on the floor in fits of laughter please:
 Learn to knit
 Do some freelance photography
 Bake cakes and make nice things
 Buy a mini cooper / range rover seriously I may have to loot a few banks <- I am joking just in case one of you starts ringing the police ☺ and maybe one bank may not be enough as were all going through this recession yes us students are feeling this too
So onto fun things it’s not that I hate my dissertation topic as I get to choose it to a certain extent it’s on. …Feminism Islam the Barbie and the veil or hijab (no surprises there) its just the writing aspect I hate and I know I know you’ll all be like but you’re a blogger wannabe fool!! ←(MR T voice is back) it’s the theory and sheer amount of reading don’t get me wrong I don’t mind a good read but seriously like 800 pages with not one photo insight jeez visual learner alert I wonder which plonker thought it would be a good idea I know we’ll make creative write pointless essays on theory that don’t even matter! And the books I like reading are cookbooks and fashion magazines that counts as my one a day reading ☺ if I’m not feeling like a total hermit I shall post more things and make my blog interesting for now take care and lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx