Saturday 13 August 2011

AlNisa Hijabs review

So I finally got my paws on some goodies and what made it a gazillion times better AlNisa hijabs had some hijabs for 75 pence yes you heard right pashminas for 75 pence so I filled my basket in a rush to check out considering this was a bit past midnight I was highly alert I think its these fasts making my sleeping pattern awkward ☹ The hijab I was stalling for had been put back in the sale and sister Lubna at Alnisa let me have it and added it for free to my order now that’s what you call customer service and I’m not just saying that for example I queried if I could get it added to my order and on the Facebook page came a swift reply like seriously a minute later, I’m really shocked at how quick it arrived to the postman clutching a pink parcel asked for me I signed for it and thought what could this be and then a little sign saying AlNisa hijabs peered through the documents and I was delighted as to how fast my items arrived, like I ordered on the early hours of Friday morning and received my order on Saturday and it wasn’t even express delivery I know where to go for late minute hijab and hijab accessory shopping ☺ I held in my excitement so I could get a picture for you all of the awesome packaging and the hijabs inside normally before I even shut my door I end up acting like a cavewoman and ripping through the packaging to see what I get :| but I thought no calm down take this parcel upstairs photograph it and then rip through it like the banshee you are all the photographs are taken by me and my trusty mannequin who needs a name so a little challenge for you all name my mannequin something ☺ hope you enjoy the review and check the site out for hijab bargains ☺ For now take care and hope to blog some more
Lots of love
The Hijabi Barbie

The purple pashmina is super soft and not a bright purple it’s a cross between lilac and a dark purple so just the right colour and very long fabric at the front just to show how much is left after wrapping 3 times ☺

So the salmon pink pashmina I would say it’s more a coral colour and super light like all the pashminas I received as sometimes they can be heavy and I wrapped this around my mannequins head at least 3 times and I s till had the coverage including the folds I put in ☺

The aqua colour is very unique and I haven’t seen a hijab like this and I have way to many hijabs its super soft and not that to blue like you normally find again the fabric is bought to the front to show the fabric can be draped to the front.

The turquoise colour is super soft and very vibrant again all the pashminas have tassels hanging of them and are super long.

So I can’t for the life in me remember the green coloured hijab name it’s stiff so you can get volume and folds without it being too heavy. It has a frayed edge and the pattern is very beautiful all the way around the hijab I’d recommend layering this hijab up or wearing an under cap or tube scarf.

So I knew exactly what I was getting with this next hijab the brown crochet hijab in the lace section of the website as I’ve got the brown lace one in a peach colour all I can say is this hijab has the wow factor layered with another hijab or placed around the neck which I like to do with another hijab ☺

The Pink parcel :)

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