Friday 6 January 2012

Hello and happy new year so....

Hello guys and happy new years I know 6 days late but hey some of us have a very busy social life well the lack of it thanks to university ☹ I have some really exciting news coming soon hehe these months are going to be busy so Inshallah I will try and blog as much as I can ☺ so I still have university yes I just feel sick of education and cannot wait to escape get that bloody hat and gown on will be my final goal and then Inshallah I can start an Islamic course and do my religious duty recharge my Deen and fun stuff at the end of the day the degree path I chose was not one of the most favourable either so at least let me do something to make up for this. So as it’s the New Year and I’m blessed to have lived another year on this planet what I hope to do this year too so Inshallah my goals not new years resolutions as they’re just a waste of time:
• Do the Islamic relief challenge even if my sister thinks I can’t climb a hill never mind a mountain!!
• Pray more
• Give more
• Do some travelling
• Go on umrah (pilgrimage)
Inshallah my task for 2012 and as cheesy as it sounds this is my year haha I say this every year but anyhoo.

Well another university rant okay not a rant but I got a good grade for my dissertation first draft Alhamdulillah go me ☺ thank you for all your continued support & more updates and pictures soon but until then take care and lots of love
The Hijabi Barbie xxx

P.s I’ve realised nearly all my titles for my blog are so I really need to expand my vocab

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