Saturday 30 July 2011

So I thought I'd blog it's been a long time

So finally the parcel arrived her wait was over she pulled the wrapping apart like Eid or her birthday had come early there they were her brand new (well vintage new brogues) Pre owned of course my Crockett and jones I stared and admired these beauties for a long time. Well you may ask how I thought about them and why am I writing about them? Well that day sorting through my Narnia like wardrobe I found my brogues all hidden under a pile of mass produced rubbish throwaway shoes that break or look horrid they don’t make things like they used to (imagines doing a grandma impersonation while saying this) and putting my foot into these beauties again made me a tiny bit sad how could I have abandoned them for shoes that always let me down wearing my old clothes made me realise I had changed so from this day forward I’m going back to my old vintage ‘moth eaten’ clothes as my sister likes to put it. So on the subject of this particular sister gosh I must write like I hate her at times I do but hey that’s siblings for you, (you really do <3 them but never admit it) she broke my belt yes my belt for my newish (I wore them once) palazzo trousers NOT GOOD!! Currently trawling through the big bad sometimes-good cyber world that we today call the Internet for winter bargains and as I don’t follow fashion much I don’t care if it’s not in season because what I like might have been in season a few decades ago!! Currently loving anything blue I have my eye on a blue hoojab come to mama (does the evil laugh muhaaha kinda laugh) so I’ve been busy looking researching a new business venture I shall be starting so keep your eyes here @.@ I might also get back into the habit of trawling the Tuesday market for nice finds I come across bargains and teacups and any another thing. I’m currently /have always been fascinated in opening a tearoom/ gallery when I get enough money Inshallah and make something of my life well till that day unfortunate for some and fortunate for others you are stuck with me and my brogues which get a lot of attention at uni yes the university of Huddersfield are obsessed with my shoes I have fashion students and people like me ask me where I got them from but judging from this picture they’re nothing special and I’m no icon. For now take care Lots of love the hijabi Barbie ← might change the name soon I don’t really like being branded a Barbie xxx

Thursday 14 July 2011

The hoojab in peach

So as you all know I have a soft spot for pearl daisy products ☺
I wish payday would hurry up so I could get my paws on a peach hoojab that hoojab is like a saviour for all those neutrals laying in my cupboard wanting a good hijab/ hoojab to sort them out my love for the hoojabs is already present in my hijab wardrobe, but I need this one yes girlies the ‘I need excuse’ is there once I’ve ordered the hijab I shall show you what you’re getting and the other pictures I have for the products that already exist in my wardrobe ☺
Ahha some of us have to go work to earn pennies to buy more wonderful hijabs so for now take care .
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

Ps- I hope sis Amena keeps up the good work Inshallah

Tuesday 12 July 2011


So me and my sister had a little bit of an argument that we laughed off afterwards when she decided to mock why I call my sisters in Islam sister as there not blood relations I put it down to her immaturity and not understanding but hey we’ve all got to learn one day ☺

So the topic of the BBC documentary on the prophet (SAW)
The programme was ok but for the educated Muslim nothing new a few manipulative words here and there but that’s the BBC for you! This is something that annoyed me particularly. Another rant I’m going to have is the twin towers being mentioned err hello what has that got anything to do with the life of the prophet (SAW)? There were the jibes by others and the satanic verses book mentioned seriously couldn’t they think of anything else, the random Arab men smoking shisha was also a bit weird what about looking at beautiful scenery instead of them? I hope the other 2 parts are better and would hope they show women in Islam in a positive light which they did with Khadija may Allah SWT be pleased with her and how she proposed to the prophet (SAW) and how it is still rare for women to do this today. However they didn't mention women's rights and how as Muslim women we do have the right to choose whom we marry. But that probably would be asking too much (sighs) as personally I think the media are fixated by the ideology that women in Islam are oppressed and are not equal to their male counterparts. That is a WHOLE debate in itself that I won’t get into I’ll save for another day.
Take care
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

Monday 11 July 2011


Peace be upon you and welcome to my blog
Today I’m fasting Alhamdulillah I’ve kept these fasts nearly every Monday and Thursday this month and last as voluntary fasts as our prophet (PBUH) did. I find these fasts help me prepare for Ramadan, they detox your body and you feel much calmer spiritually. Inshallah I hope to keep these fasts from now on and I’m finding them pretty easy as being in the UK I thought of all the negatives first like it’s going to be hot, I’m going to get thirsty but by the will and power of Allah I have survived I think fellow sisters I’ve spoken to build up a unenthusiastic view before they even try it too. The excuses come and then when Ramadan is upon us and they realise it’s not so bad. The month does have advantages and they put your life into perspective through fasting, a Muslim tends to experience hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those in the world who have little to eat every day. Through increased devotion, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him. Through increased charity, Muslims develop feelings of generosity and goodwill toward others. Through self-control, a Muslim practices good manners, good speech, and good habits. Through changing routines, Muslims have a chance to establish more of a healthy lifestyle particularly with regards to diet. Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims, but the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with us throughout the year and not only for this month
I hope this year Ramadan is as peaceful as before for everyone around the world

Take care
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

Sunday 10 July 2011

Amazing new discovery

So between the midst of a jungle I call the internet and hours trawling through numerous sites looking for hijabs I discovered another hijab shop (plays suspense filled music found in films) ……… well enough of the suspense you guessed it another hijab website yes AlNisa hijabs is absolutely fantastic pay day really needs to hurry up so I can get my paws on some of these beauties and when I do inshallah a review with photographs will follow that’s a promise ☺ the site has amazing hijabs and I really want some ruffle scarfs and a few of the crinkles what could be more better they’re based in the UK so I don’t have to wait very long either
Take care for now and check out the site it’s AMAZING
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

Mixing high street style & your own look

My experience as a hijabi bought the age-old dilemma every girl has what do I wear? I dressed conservetley before but now was the time to leave my skinny jeans and go for something more loose and covered up after finally tearing myself away from the clothes at one point I adored, to something still stylish that was my aim to find modest clothes for me to wear. (Goes of on a one woman mission)  I figured little changes so I started to wear hijab and then thought I’m getting them looks as to what is she wearing the disapproving ones from fellow hijabis yes ladies it does happen the few second looking you up and down like you’re an alien or the disapproving looks continued so I decided it was time for a change. Initially I didn’t know what to find the highstreet was all the same until I discovered I was looking for the wrong things I naively thought going into these shops will be my answer and I will instantly find long tops to be fair there were some but they were like basic tops and I didn’t want to dress like my nan!!  (My one-woman mission continued) This is when I decided to follow and inspiring lady who helped me change my fashion sense with being modest check out her look book another inspiration for all of us that feel we don’t have enough clothes or don’t know what to wear J With this and looking for the right things I think I’ve managed to get my style down to a T with it all being hijabi friendly J
Well that’s my thought for today hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for more exciting news coming soon inshallah 
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

Saturday 9 July 2011

The hoojab

A hoojab tutorial I watched and wanted this style so badly pearl daisy to the rescue I wore this initial style to a wedding I attended after being surprised at the long length and amount of coverage I was hooked like a child in a sweet shop <3 Within a month my collection of hoojabs grew. I love these hijabs because of the concept of a hood and hijab in one the hood sits comfortably and is ideal for this crazy British weather, which can’t make its mind up this tutorial is one that I learnt to master even before the hoojab drape

Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie

Pictures coming soon Inshallah

A Website I absolutely Love

Pearl Daisy
I absolutely Love this site Sister Amena inspired me to wear hijab Mashallah 2 years ago properly and through her support in the form of video tutorials on her youtube and her facebook fan page I embraced hijab fully If you want good quality hijabs with unique prints I recommend this website

A Quick Hello

Hola  My first post just wanted to say welcome to my page hope you like what you see <3