Tuesday 12 July 2011


So me and my sister had a little bit of an argument that we laughed off afterwards when she decided to mock why I call my sisters in Islam sister as there not blood relations I put it down to her immaturity and not understanding but hey we’ve all got to learn one day ☺

So the topic of the BBC documentary on the prophet (SAW)
The programme was ok but for the educated Muslim nothing new a few manipulative words here and there but that’s the BBC for you! This is something that annoyed me particularly. Another rant I’m going to have is the twin towers being mentioned err hello what has that got anything to do with the life of the prophet (SAW)? There were the jibes by others and the satanic verses book mentioned seriously couldn’t they think of anything else, the random Arab men smoking shisha was also a bit weird what about looking at beautiful scenery instead of them? I hope the other 2 parts are better and would hope they show women in Islam in a positive light which they did with Khadija may Allah SWT be pleased with her and how she proposed to the prophet (SAW) and how it is still rare for women to do this today. However they didn't mention women's rights and how as Muslim women we do have the right to choose whom we marry. But that probably would be asking too much (sighs) as personally I think the media are fixated by the ideology that women in Islam are oppressed and are not equal to their male counterparts. That is a WHOLE debate in itself that I won’t get into I’ll save for another day.
Take care
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

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