Monday 11 July 2011


Peace be upon you and welcome to my blog
Today I’m fasting Alhamdulillah I’ve kept these fasts nearly every Monday and Thursday this month and last as voluntary fasts as our prophet (PBUH) did. I find these fasts help me prepare for Ramadan, they detox your body and you feel much calmer spiritually. Inshallah I hope to keep these fasts from now on and I’m finding them pretty easy as being in the UK I thought of all the negatives first like it’s going to be hot, I’m going to get thirsty but by the will and power of Allah I have survived I think fellow sisters I’ve spoken to build up a unenthusiastic view before they even try it too. The excuses come and then when Ramadan is upon us and they realise it’s not so bad. The month does have advantages and they put your life into perspective through fasting, a Muslim tends to experience hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those in the world who have little to eat every day. Through increased devotion, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him. Through increased charity, Muslims develop feelings of generosity and goodwill toward others. Through self-control, a Muslim practices good manners, good speech, and good habits. Through changing routines, Muslims have a chance to establish more of a healthy lifestyle particularly with regards to diet. Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims, but the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with us throughout the year and not only for this month
I hope this year Ramadan is as peaceful as before for everyone around the world

Take care
Lots of love
The hijabi Barbie xxx

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